UNESCO’s managing director praises the musicians of Llíria as an example of resilience and solidarity

The name of Llíria has been valued as an example of solidarity in one of the most important international congresses, the III UNESCO Creative Cities Meeting held in Beijing this week. In her inaugural speech, the Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, recognized the effort of solidarity of the city at the beginning of the pandemic: “We have seen the resilience and solidarity of our network in action, for example in Llíria (Spain), UNESCO Creative City of Music, which invited its professional and amateur musicians to offer a concert from their balconies”.
The Director-General refers to the action “Windows of Music and Hope”, held on March 26, at one of the worst moments of the health crisis. Then the musicians from Edeta went out onto the balconies to play Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, achieving the adhesion to it of many Valencian and international cities. The action, promoted from the official channels of # LlíriaCityofMusic, had a great impact, and UNESCO itself has already highlighted it as an example on its official website.
Up to now, it has once again been praised before the world, in the presence of the highest Chinese authorities and representatives of the main international cities that are part of the Network on the five continents. The Director-General of UNESCO added that “many Creative Cities have been inspired by this example to launch their initiatives”. Azoulay also named cities such as Wuhan (China), Chennay (India) or Katowize (Poland) in her speech. The opening act of this event, including the complete speech of the general director, can be seen here: http://www.shejiyun.net/en/lives/desc/id/1.html


Ciudad romana. S. I – II d.C. declarado BIC

Este espacio arqueológico conserva uno de los conjuntos arquitectónicos relacionados con el mundo funerario, más importantes de la antigua provincia romana de Hispania.

Estos monumentos funerarios formaban parte de la antigua necrópolis de Edeta. Se conservan los restos de dos monumentos funerarios dispuestos junto con una de las principales vías de la entrada a la ciudad romana.

Junto a la vía necrópolis, se encuentra el umbral de la entrada al recinto funerario constituido por cuatro losas con la inscripción latina P. CLODIVS EVTYCHVS SIBI ET CLODIAE NATALI VXORI CARISSIMAE que significa “P. Clodio Eutico lo construyó para sí y para Clodia Natalia, su amadísima esposa”.

El primer monumento tiene la fachada decorada con pilastras acanaladas y una cámara interior con dos bancos corridos donde se celebraban las fiestas de los parientes. El segundo monumento pertenece al grupo de sepulcros turriformes y conserva una losa con un orificio central para realizar las libaciones que tapa una cavidad cúbica donde se depositaban las incineraciones y los ajuares funerarios.

Un audiovisual dedicado al mundo funerario romano puede contemplarse en una de las salas de este sótano arqueológico.