Llíria City of Music Song
Since I was a kid, I’ve been attentively hearing on my street
a violin, a clarinet, a double bass and a cello.
How many hours at home studying our score
Edetanian atmosphere, creative, of good work.
What are they playing? What does it sound? Why?
Music from the crib in the F, C and G- clef.
What are they playing? What does it sound? Why?
Everybody rehearsing at night, they won’t be alone there.
We’re in Llíria, City of Music.
Llíria, Ciutat de la Música.
This recognition is for everyone
A diversity of conductors, the girl who sings the song
Players, teachers, the audience and composers
From the Plaça Major to the other side the world
And what is that man carrying? What is it?
It is a bandurria, a dolçaina as well
Rap, rock, folk and classical, many things else
Nyo Maria, symphonies, choirs, trios, duets.
We’re in Llíria, City of Music.
Llíria, Ciutat de la Música.
I’m listening to a boy in the park right now,
He says ti-ti ta or ta-ti ti-ti or I don’t know.
For sure a great teacher has shown him this way
Open doors, pay attention, sol la sol fa do mi re
Silence, lights off, here we are
Clap your hands, this begins, ready to have fun
What does it sound? Where do they come from? Who is it coming?
It’s time to celebrate, music is walking down the street.
We’re in Llíria, City of Music.
Llíria, Ciutat de la Música.
-José Alcaide Lázaro(trompeta)
-José Vte. Catalá Benedito (saxo)
-Trinidad Domingo Novejarque (violoncel)
-José Vte. Escrig Martínez (trompeta)
-Amparo Esteve Mas (viola)
-María Galán Parra (violí)
-Manuel Gasent Castellano (bateria)
-Salvador Marí Ramos (clarinet baix)
-Mªdel Mar Martínez López (flauta)
-Francesc Rozalen Heredia (trombó)
-Mª José Sanmartín Gómez (clarinet)
-Rafael Serrallet Gómez (guitarra)
-Ernesto Verdeguer Ortiz (violí)
Audio mixing:
– Ramón Giner Bou
-Ferran Capilla Fabregat(percussió)
-Miguel Padilla Campillo (baix elèctric)
Maria Ángeles Almela Agustí
Miranda Bou Mancilla
Maria Faubel Portolés
Marcel·lí Garcia Peruga
Empar Llacer Sanchis
LLuís Pérez Tordera
Antonio Pedrero Sakalauskas
Francisco Puertes Carpio clarinet
Consol Cano Morató violí
Music & Lyrics:
Marcel·lí Garcia Peruga
Rogerio Campas