The city has 30 locations to enjoy live music, which means a total of 11,000 seats in indoor venues.
The City Council manages three theatres-auditoriums (the Conservatory, the Llar del Jubilat and the Multipurpose Centre), as well as the “Pla de l’Arc” Pavilion, which is used for large events. The music societies have their own facilities, which makes a total of three large theatres-auditoriums of great architectural value, and numerous small concert halls.
On the other hand, public heritage buildings, such as the Roman Baths, the Roman Mausoleums, the Arab Baths and the San Vicente Chapel, are also used for performances. In addition, five churches and a monastery usually host concerts.
Thanks to the pleasant Mediterranean climate, the city organises many open-air musical events in public spaces (parks, streets and squares), especially in the old town. Music bands perform and move around these spaces on the occasion of religious festivals (Easter processions, patron saint’s day) or civil celebrations.